Property Tax Information

Property Taxes

The property tax year, aka fiscal year for the Town of Greenville is July 1 – June 30. Tax bills were mailed out on September 18, 2023. If the bill is paid in full by October 22, 2024 you will receive a 1% discount. The mil rate for the fiscal year of 2024/2025 has been set at 19.74%. Bills are due to be paid by January 10, 2025 before interest starts. We do encourage property owners to pay on their bills throughout the year at any amount that is convenient to them. If you have questions about your property taxes, please call Town Office at 207-695-2421.

All Real Estate and tax billing questions for Rockwood and the surrounding unorganized territories are handled directly through the Bureau of Revenue Services in Augusta. They can be reached at 207-624-5600

Mil Rate

The mil rate for the fiscal year of 24/25 has been set at 19.74%.

How do I pay my taxes?

Taxes can be paid at any time throughout the year. To find out your current amount due you can call the Town Office Tuesday—Friday 7am–5pm at 207-695-2421.
Taxes can be paid in the form of cash, check, credit card (additional fees apply), or money order.


If you are not sure if you qualify or if you are not sure if you are already receiving the following exemptions, please contact the Town Office for further information.

Homestead Exemption

Veteran’s Exemption

Blind Person Exemption Form

Farmland Application

Tree Growth Application

Open Space Application

Mailing Address Change

If you have recently changed your mailing address, we ask that you please notify us with the change.

Helpful Links

Piscataquis County Registry of Deeds