Dog License

All dog licenses expire December 31st. All dogs at the age of 6 months or more, by law need to be licensed, on or before January 1st of each year.

The fee for a male or female dog is $11

The fee for a spayed or neutered dog is $6

License Requirements

To license a dog, the owner must provide:

  • A current rabies certificate
  • Proof and/or a certificate if spayed or neutered
  • If moving from another town/city in Maine, bring in current license and a new
    license will be issued.
  • Licenses are available for renewals and new for the next year on or around October 15th. All dogs must be registered by January 31st of each year.

1st Time Licensing

If you are licensing your dog for the 1st time in Maine.

  • You must have a current rabies vaccination certification issued by a Maine licensed veterinarian.
  • You must have an accurate description of your dog, including your dog’s name, breed, sex and color
  • You must have a written statement from your veterinarian that clearly states your dog is altered and or / sterile to qualify for the low cost altered license fee.