
The Greenville Recreation Committee through the Greenville Recreation
Department shall provide the Town of Greenville with a diverse
offering of recreational and leisure opportunities that enhances the
quality of life for its’ citizens.

Goals: Provide equal opportunities for all citizens to
participate. Provide safe environment for recreational and leisure
activities. Utilize all available resources to ensure affordable,
efficient and quality service levels Plan for future recreational and
leisure needs. Acquire additional facilities to support community needs.

Fitness Center

33 Leisure Life Rd, Greenville

Open 7 days a week (Monday – Sunday)
6am – 8pm

Download Fitness Center Application

Classes & Schedule

Movement & Medidation I

September – May on Wednesdays (9am – 10am)

Location: Rec Center, Leisure Life Road

Led by Jodi, Participants will be practicing on the mat

Cost by donation

Movement & Meditation II

September – May on Thursdays (9am – 10:15am)

Location: Rec Center, Leisure Life Road

Led by Jodi, Participants will be practicing on the mat

Cost by donation

T’ai Chi Chih

Mondays (11am – 12pm)

Location: Rec Center, Leisure Life Road

Intermediate level course using 19 movements by Justin Stone

Cost by donation 11am


Wednesdays & Fridays (9am – 11am)

Location: Greenville Tennis Courts (Summer), Winter – starting October
7 @ Monson Gym

Cost by donation